We have Mr. Daimler Benz inventing the automobile in 1880 something. The airplane was invented in 1900 or thereabouts. In a few short years, the airplane became a weapon of global extinction with the atomic and hydrogen bomb. We are presently looking at extinction from global warming partly caused by car exhaust. We will be able to blame Mr Daimler Benz, a German, for the extinction of the human race. Automobiles are responsible for a form of noise pollution. The detritus left by automobile use alongside roads is a good example of what the automobile can do when left to its own devices. Air pollution is caused by the smell of burning gasoline and the CO2 left behind by the burning of the gasoline. Is this a useful, helpful invention? What you get is the telescoping of distances so that you have to move faster to get places which were once inaccessible time wise. What took several weeks to get from one place to another by horse can now be done in a few hours by automobile. Where have all the horses gone? What was time to the human race has now become a frantic attempt to do away with that time for less time. No one has any time anymore. Is this a useful, helpful invention? You have computers doing away with the human brain and the human mind so that we can relax and have total leisure time, but are we relaxed?  No, we are aren’t. You have to bear the discomfort and boredom of sitting in a car for several hours where you could be walking or riding a bicycle, giving your body the work that it needs to feel well. The only things you can do in an automobile are to increase of decrease the pressure on the gas pedal with your right foot, and occasionally apply pressure to the brake pedal, and hold onto the steering wheel. This is the torturing little-ease of the automobile. If you get in an accident, you can harm your body, even unto death. Then you have to buy a new automobile, which is the second most expensive item next to a home in modern life. Automobiles are expensive. They are required items in modern life. Everything is now farther away because of this invention. Like most things today, automobiles look beautiful, but they are basically ugly in their usage. With a computer you are condemned to get Karpal Tunnel Syndrome with the use of a mouse. The video screens are also bad for your eyes and consequently your brain. Are these healthy, sane inventions? You can go to an airport and be searched for a bomb, sit for hours on the tarmac while other airplanes are getting ready to take off, pay large amounts of money for tickets, deal with  the hassles of getting to the airport and parking your automobile, put up with lost luggage, be served and eat airline food which doesn’t deserve the name of food. I am having to put up with this nonsense at my age, 74 years. It is harming me daily, esp. the noise pollution from automobiles. I have gone completely deaf in my right ear and am approaching deafness in my left one. It is strange to drive. I have come to prefer walking and a bicycle, but can I really get anywhere without an automobile? It makes me want to stay at home and live in my cellar.