I have been having trouble with my anti-psychotic medication lately-major trouble. The tension exists between the prescriber and the prescribee. Anti-psychotic medication is a necessary evil. It makes you feel bad. It is harmful, but it helps as well. The helping is accomplished by shutting down portions of the brain which the prescriber deems overly active. With schizophrenia, the prescribees’s judgment is impaired. He is not capable of managing himself without help. Anti-psychotic medication came about by accident. The first drug was meant for some other problem (Recovering from anesthesia after an operation). All subsequent versions of the first drug have worked pretty much the same as the first one. They are all variations on a theme. What I’m working up to saying here is that I don’t like anti-psychotic medications. They are harmful. I had been trying to change my medications but the attempt backfired. I had to take matters in my own hands. In psychiatry, this is called self-medicating-something the patient is not supposed to do. I’ve finally got things ironed out so I am on the right dosage and taking the right medication at the right times. We schizophrenics are incapable of standing up for ourselves enough so that we can influence Big Pharma to give us the help we need. We neither have the money nor the influence to get the right medication from them. You have to be a chemist specializing in pathology. I am presently fighting psychiatry. They are smarter and better qualified, but I am the recipient of their service and simply have to speak up on my own behalf, not let them ride roughshod over me. I am a docile, trusting person who has been harmed by letting other people take advantage of my simplicity and trusting nature. Psychiatry has been harming me all my life. In the guise of service you have domination. It is scary for me to confront my torturers a the end of my life, but I am doing it. Even this sounds to me like a paranoid rant of some kind against what seems on the surface to be an obviously benevolent helping of some kind. Who would attack psychiatry? Especially the patients? I hope the researchers and the doctors get their act together in the future enough to actually help some of us sufferers. Until then, I will have to continue living with the hell that is schizophrenia.